My 3 yr. old twins are the same - always hungry, even just an hour after a meal ... go figure. It has been this way since they began on solid food at six months.
We use much of what Crystal has mentioned and the apple slices sprinkled with cinnamon too, but here are some other ideas we use:
- pretzels
- nuts & bolts - which is really just a mix of pretzels, peanuts, organic squares (like Shreddies), cherrios, raisins etc. - whatever you have on hand.
- homemade croutons - Check out my earlier post. I rarely make a batch that lasts until the salad it was intended for. I always use wholegrain bread and toss with extra virgin olive oil.

- a glass of water will sometimes satisfy temporarily (if I need just a few minutes till a meal time)
- frozen cherries, thawed (frozen fruit "pops" go over anytime with our guys, but are especially nice in summer ... cherries, grapes, cantaloupe, mangos - use some discount bin finds for this purpose)
- Quaker granola bars that have been B1G1 for a long while now - though not totally healthy ... it's been processed!
Check out more ideas at Crystal's blog.
Do you, my faithful readers, have anything to add to the list?