Sunday, August 3, 2008


Some glimpses of our new home (& the resulting chaos of a move):


Unknown said...

Glad to see you arrived safely and are settling in. House looks spacioius. Will your email stay the same for a while?

Missed you on Sunday.

Karen said...

Looks lovely! We were hoping to see you while we were out that way, but couldn't seem to find any contact information and it sounded like you were back in Sk at the time anyway.

hopefully next time,

Klasse Woods Natural Farm said...

Mamabearsk, Email will change, but that's not done yet so we're fasting from email - ever tried that?

I've asked to put all our new contact info into the OMC bulletin for August 17th - we just haven't gotten it all together until now...

Karen, sorry we missed you, but yes, we were only here a short time before we went back to SK to harvest the cherries - what a huge task & blessing that was! Glad to have that behind us now and be back here in MB putting down roots.

Please do make another effort next time to come by and see us.