Friday, August 13, 2010

Talking Turkey

Wow, the weeks are flying by and we're already looking at the end of summer 2010!

This year we tried raising turkeys. We'd heard they are rather fragile & finicky their first 8 weeks or so ... and that was our experience also. Now they're growing good and happy in their portable sheltered home.

We have 31 of the original 50 turkeys left, but these are hale & healthy. Growing & garbling -- I actually kind of like their "turkey talk". What do you think? (You can hear our princess in the background too -- she loves the animals ... a farm girl through & through, lol!)

Having heard the phrase "talking turkey" I wanted to check out what it means. Do you know what it means? It's actually like someone saying to you "let's get down to business" ... or "Let's get serious and talk business now!"

Yup. Turkey is part of our business now.

Have you ordered your 2010 Thanksgiving/Christmas turkey yet? As you can see, supplies are limited. They are booked for processing at an inspected facility on September 30 ... just in time for your big Thanksgiving supper!

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