Friday, January 11, 2008

Time for Tea?

This past week our family fell ill with a flu bug. In a large household it takes time to make the rounds.

About a month ago, I tried making "Ginger Tea", steeping fresh pressed ginger for the flavor & health benefit. The adults and older sons enjoyed it sweetened with honey, but the littles found the taste unappealing and a bit too much on the "hot" side for their liking.

Even the standard gingerale was not to their liking this time around. I kept trying new liquids to offer them after each unpleasant episode, hoping that something would be palitable and stem the tide for them. Bland foods & water were not the answer either.

Finally, I tried:

Homemade "Sparkling Cheery Gell-o"
1/2 cup cold water
2 Tbsp. gelatin
1 can frozen concentrate juice (I used McCain Raspberry)
3 cups gingerale
Mix the gelatin into the 1/2 cup cold water and heat until dissolved, stirring constantly. Cool & add the juice concentrate then add the gingerale and place in fridge until set.

The sparkling gello settled stomachs, was palitable, and gave the necessary energy our littles needed to pull out of the slump.

Praise to God - Jehovah Rapha - God Who Heals!

As an after thought, some of my ginger tea was left over and cooled giving me a new idea to try ... using fresh ginger tea to add to the gell-o using mineral water as the "sparkle". Look for an edit to this post at a later date, after I've tried this out (the fresh ginger may impede the gelling of the gelatin - wait and see!)

How do you battle a flu bug?

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